The tournament day is Saturday February 26, 2022. Doors open to check in at 8:00 am and the tournament will start promptly at 9:30 am.
ITF Patterns only, Head to head, single elimination, one
optional pattern. Black belts must perform two designated
patterns, one from their rank requirements, one from below
their rank.
Continuous sparring as per the
current ITF Rules and Regulations, One-two minute round,
single elimination. Black Belt Finals will be two-two minute
For all ranks, combination of one standing foot, and one hand
technique, must start and finish in guarding block, L-stance.
Demonstration Competition
Each team can consist of 3 to 6 people. The demonstration can be
of any physical aspect of
Entry for competitors is $50 for any number of events. Entry for all spectators is free. You can pay with cash or check on the day of the tournament or pay at after registering.
If paying by check please make the check out to UT Austin and put UT ITF Taekwon-Do in the memo line.
First, Second and TWO Third place awards will be given to
colored belts (ONE third place for Black Belts). Brackets will
be determined the day of the tournament and will be divided by
discretion of the Tournament Director.
Grand Championship
Total medal count determines winner, competitors must enter
patterns, sparring and breaking competitions to be eligible.
Breaking determines the winner in the event of a tie.